Filipino Students’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Their Academic Performance in School: A Qualitative Study


  • Fabiana P. Peñeda Leyte Normal University
  • Thea A. Ticoy Leyte Normal University
  • Cristobal A Rabuya, Jr. Leyte Normal University


education, learning styles, qualitative single case study, Social Cognitive Learning Theory, academic performance


Most of what students learn is acquired in school. However, some pupils encounter learning difficulties
which are not properly addressed by the teachers. This study aims to identify and examine the factors
affecting the academic performance of ten (10) Grade Five pupils in Leyte Normal University-Integrated
Laboratory School. The study used qualitative single-case study design, and participants were selected
through purposive sampling. The top five (5) pupils in the high performing group and five (5) pupils
in the low performing group were selected in that process. Data was collected using semi-structured
interviews and direct observation of the participants. As a result, six major themes were derived from
the findings after data analysis was conducted, namely: Self-Driven Activities in Learning, Challenges
in Learning, Styles in Learning, References used in Learning, Scaffolds in Learning and Coping
Mechanisms in Learning. This study could provide ways and awareness to all stakeholders in education
on how to improve pupils’ academic performance in school.


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How to Cite

Peñeda, F. P., Ticoy, T. A., & Rabuya, C. J. (2019). Filipino Students’ Perceptions of Factors Affecting Their Academic Performance in School: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Education and Society, 3(1), 19–30. Retrieved from



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