Principal Component Analysis: A Revalidation of the Mathematics Persistence Scale


  • Vanessa A. Marmita Leyte Normal University
  • Melet B. Mariano De La Salle University, Manila
  • Eric M. Masela De La Salle University, Manila


persistence, mathematics persistence scale, reliability, validity, principal component analysis


A reliable and valid instrument on mathematical persistence, appropriate for Filipino students, can address gaps in mathematics education especially that there is a relationship between persistence and problem solving. This paper addressed the purpose of providing additional data concerning the reliability and validity of Mathematics Persistence Scale (MPS) in the Philippine setting. An instrument used by Stoll in his study in 2015, which looked into different components relevant to mathematical persistence in education, was revalidated considering Filipino participants. The questionnaires were distributed to randomly selected 194 senior high school students. Factor structure extraction was done making use of the principal components method with varimax rotation. Four factors were extracted specifically labeled as; Effortful Math, Understanding Math Concepts, Innate Math Persistence and Math Confidence. MPS has good internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha in the range of .508 to .860. Based on the findings, the same factor structure was extracted and is consistent with what this instrument is supposed to measure. Therefore, this MPS can also be administered among Filipino students in evaluating their level of persistence and can also be a reliable basis to further establish
interventions to improve mathematics learning.


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How to Cite

Marmita, V. A., Mariano, M. B., & Masela, E. M. (2018). Principal Component Analysis: A Revalidation of the Mathematics Persistence Scale. Journal of Education and Society, 2(1), 32–40. Retrieved from



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