Breaking the Political Vices: Transformative Glimmer in Philippine Representation from the Public Educators’ Publicness Vistas

Transformative Glimmer in Philippine Representation from the Public Educators’ Publicness Vistas


  • Victor P. Bactol, Jr., MPM, MAED, JD, Ph.D.(Candid) University of Santo Tomas, Manila/Leyte Normal University
  • Dennis C. Coronacion, Ph.D. University of Santo Tomas, Manila


Citizens’ Participation, Democratization, Governance, Liberal Democracy, Representative System


This study went through the recent development on how representative process should be in a country where democratization trajectory was never examined from the ordinary citizens’ view within the seven-decade republicanism. Data were extracted from 334 basic educators out of 2,036 population. Slovin’s formula was utilized to determine the sample size. Results of the study were realized employing descriptive analysis of 4-point scale researcher-made questionnaire bearing an internal consistency of 0.905 and 0.910 Chronbach’s Alpha reliability. Indicators emphasized the supposed roles of representatives in a substantive democracy. The results showed that respondents’ sophistication degree on their concept of democratic representation is very high with an overall mean of 3.35 (SD=.66), and a high degree sophistication in their consciousness of democratic representation with a mean of 3.01 (SD=.74). Data showed that respondents’ idea of representative system transcends procedural representation where representatives make decisions beyond the cavil of the represented. It is concluded that notwithstanding their political passivity, respondents’ bulk of responses around publicness scenario, delineates a mechanism for a more democratic Philippines.



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02/13/2025 — Updated on 02/17/2025

How to Cite

Bactol, V. J., & Coronacion, D. (2025). Breaking the Political Vices: Transformative Glimmer in Philippine Representation from the Public Educators’ Publicness Vistas : Transformative Glimmer in Philippine Representation from the Public Educators’ Publicness Vistas. Journal of Education and Society, 5(1), 1–18. Retrieved from