Integrating GeoGebra in Teaching Hyperbolic Geometry: Experiences and Insights of Mathematics Majors in the New Normal


  • Raymond Negros Leyte Normal University
  • Roel Victor Morales Leyte Normal University
  • Michael Jun Ponciano Leyte Normal University
  • Cresselyn Joy Villabeto Leyte Normal University
  • Dezerie Mendoza Leyte Normal University
  • Jepie Reyes Leyte Normal University


To maintain a high standard of education, technological advancements are incorporated into classroom discussions. GeoGebra is widely employed in mathematical teaching to represent a certain topic. The study aims to describe how GeoGebra is used to teach hyperbolic geometry in an online learning environment. Eight third-year students and one subject teacher participated in a semi-structured interview with open-ended questions as part of a descriptive study research approach focusing on incorporating GeoGebra as a teaching tool for hyperbolic geometry.  Using thematic analysis, themes emerged in which the general experiences of students in proving theorems and properties in hyperbolic geometry were problematic due to unfamiliarity with the features and utility of the application, which depended on the availability of devices and resources. Consequently, researchers proposed an intervention model that includes assisting the academy in providing a learning environment with adequate resources, such as a computer lab with GeoGebra-installed and a stable internet connection, allowing students and teachers to become accustomed to the application, and restructuring lesson exemplars to effectively integrate GeoGebra in teaching hyperbolic geometry and other related subjects. In addition, researchers suggested that the determined interventions be implemented in related course instruction in order to evaluate their efficacy and contribution.

Author Biography

Michael Jun Ponciano, Leyte Normal University

Faculty, Mathematics Department

Leyte Normal University


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How to Cite

Negros, R., Morales, R. V. ., Ponciano, M. J., Villabeto, C. J., Mendoza, D. ., & Reyes, J. (2025). Integrating GeoGebra in Teaching Hyperbolic Geometry: Experiences and Insights of Mathematics Majors in the New Normal. Journal of Education and Society, 5(1), 57–71. Retrieved from