The Relationship of Mathematics Inventory Test Scores and English Proficiency of Mathematics Teachers at Parañaque National High School-Main, Parañaque City


  • Marsam A. Salomon Paranaque National High School, Department of Education


Mathematics inventory test, English proficiency test, Mathematics teacher


It may be difficult for Mathematics teachers to teach their subject if they are not proficient in the English language. Likewise, Mathematics teachers who have difficulties understanding Mathematics problems may not be able to solve it. Most of the research studies linked Mathematics to English language which led this study to investigate further the relationship of Mathematics score and English proficiency. The sample (n = 12) of this study was taken from the population (N = 48) of Mathematics teachers in Parañaque National High School-Main, Parañaque City. The subjects’ scores in the Mathematics inventory and English proficiency test were analyzed using Pearson r correlation coefficient. ANOVA was used to test the significance of the relationship of Mathematics score and English proficiency. The results revealed that there is a weak positive correlation (r = 0.20) between the Mathematics score and English proficiency of Mathematics teachers of Parañaque National High School-Main, Parañaque City, however this relationship is not statistically significant (ρ > 0.05, 0.53). The result of this study indicated insufficient evidence to confirm the relationship between Mathematics scores with the English proficiency of Mathematics teachers at Parañaque National High School-Main, Parañaque City.


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How to Cite

Salomon, M. A. (2019). The Relationship of Mathematics Inventory Test Scores and English Proficiency of Mathematics Teachers at Parañaque National High School-Main, Parañaque City. Journal of Education and Society, 3(1), 10–18. Retrieved from



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